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Book Series > Publisud > Pub020


Ismaïl Safar

L'ordre Mondial et le Monde Arabe au
Tournant du Millenaire

[The World Order and the Arab World at the
Turn of the Millennium]

[Weltordnung und die arabische Welt
zur Jahrtausendwende]

(Paris: Publisud, 1999), 221 pp.,
€ 22.56 ISBN: 2-86600-809-x

Ismaïl Safar received a law degree from the university of Damascus and an economic degree from the Free University of Brussels. He taught at the universities of Aleppo (Syria), Algiers (Algeria), Sfax (Tunisia) and Le Mons (Belgium). He has published on international economic relations, on Arab development and integration and on Euro-Arab relations in a new international order and on the external factors of the crisis of capitalism.

This book is organised in seven chapters. After a review of the role of capitalism (chapter 1), the crisis of capitalism (1873-1895, 1930s and 1970s) and the evolution of the new order of domination (chapter 2) and the relationship between capitalism and underdevelopment (chapter 3), with a special focus on the Arab world (chapter 4) and the relations within the trilateral world (chapter 5) are analysed before the author turns in chapter 6 to the Euro-Mediterranean region and the Euro-Arab misunderstandings. He concludes with a discussion on causality, solidarity and Euro-Arab cooperation (chapter 7).

Pub020; Language: French; Areas: Arab world, world order; Region: Mediterranean, North Africa, West Asia