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Book Series > Hans Günter Brauch > hgb018


Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.)

Alternative Conventional Defense Postures
in the European Theater
Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe
After the Cold War

With a Foreword by Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker,
physicist and philosopher, and
Paul C. Warnke , former director,
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London:
A member of the Taylor & Francis Group 1993,
336 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1728-7
$ 54.50 - £ 39.00

This book is organised in 3 parts and contains 10 chapters, biographies of the editors and authors, an appendix with five documents and an index. After an introduction by both editors Part I on Surveys of Force Posture Alternatives include chapters by Hans Günter Brauch (Mosbach, Germany) on "Debate on Alternative Conventional Military Force Structure Designs for the Defense of Central Europe in the Federal Republic of Germany" and by Robert Kennedy (then Atlanta, USA, now director of the Marshall Center in Garmisch-Partenkirchen) on "The American Debate on Conventional Alternatives for the Defense of Central Europe".

Part II on: Force Posture Alternatives contains 6 chapters by Manfred R. Hamm (Ebenhausen, Germany) on "Military Doctrine, Force Postures, and Arms Control in Europe: The AirLand Battle Doctrine and NATO's FOFA Concept", by John M. Weinstein (Washington, DC, USA) on: "Nuclear Forces and the Defense of Europe", by Franz Uhle-Wettler (General (ret.), Germany) on: "Improving NATO's Defense", by Horst Afheldt (Munich, Germany) on: "Mutual Structural Defensive Superiority: A New Security Philosophy and Elements of a New Force Structure Design", by Lutz Unterseher (Bonn now Berlin, Germany) on: "In Support of Stability in Central Europe: The SAS Proposal and Its Implications", and by Stephen L. Canby (Washington, DC, USA) on: "Nonprovocative Defense: A Conceptual Critique and Alternative Approach".

Part III deals in two chapters with the International and Domestic Changes with contributions by Hans Günter Brauch (Mosbach, Germany) on "Germany's Political Role and Military Force Planning in the Post Cold War Order in Europe and the Continued Relevance of Non-Offensive Defense" and by Robert Kennedy (then Atlanta, USA, now director of the Marshall Center in Garmisch-Partenkirchen) on "European Security, NATO, and the Future of the New International Cooperative System after the Second Russian Revolution".

The appendix contains a chronology of Political Change in Europe (January 1991 through October 1991), as well as the texts of the Treaties on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland Concerning the Confirmation of the Frontier Existing Between Them, and between the Federal Republic of Germany and the USSR on a Good Neighbour Policy, Partnership, and Cooperation as well as the Charter of Paris for a New Europe.

hgb0018; Language: English; Areas: conventional defence, non-offensive defence; Region: Germany, Soviet Union, United States.