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Book Series > Hans Günter Brauch > hgb012


Hans Günter Brauch - Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.)

Chemische Kriegführung - Chemische Abrüstung
Dokumente und Kommentare

Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Adolf-Henning Frucht

[Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament
Documents and Comments

With a preface by Prof. Dr. Adolf-Henning Frucht]

Militärpolitik und Rüstungsbegrenzung, Band 1
Berlin: Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz (out of print)
1985, 384 pp., ISBN 3-87061-265-7

In his preface the physiologist Adolf-Henning Frucht (Berlin) writes on chemical weapons and on the responsibility of the natural scientist. He had worked on secret experiments in East-Berlin but informed the West, he was punished as a spy, and stayed in the Bautzen prison (1965-1977) when he was released in exchange for the Chilean foreign minister who could leave Santiago de Chile.

In the first part, the book for the first time released 68 documents on German chemical warfare and preparations (1914-1945) with comments by the military historian Rolf-Dieter Müller while part II published 32 documents with comments by Hans Günter Brauch on the consequences of German chemical weapons from the first and second world war for the environment and the people.

hgb0012; Language: German; Areas: chemical arms, war, disarmament; Region: Germany, Russia, Soviet Union, United States.