HEXAGON Book Series
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1 Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr045


Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.):

Controlling Military Research and Development
and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
as a Problem of Disarmament and
Arms Control Policy in the 1990s
The Results of the Seventh AFES-PRESS Conference.
Abstracts and Discussions

AFES-PRESS Report No. 45
1992, 230pp., ISBN 3-926979-44-5
€ 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00

In late October 1991, AFES-PRESS and INSTEAD (Inter-University Network for Studies on Technology Assessment in Defence in the Netherlands) with the financial support of the German Research Society (DFG), the Ministry of Education in Baden-Württemberg and of the Ministry of Defence in the Netherlands co-organised the Seventh AFES-PRESS Conference that attracted 70 arms control experts from 16 countries, including the USA, Russia, India, Japan and Peru. This volume includes the abstracts of all presentations and a summary of the discussions both in the plenaries and in the working groups. A book with the revised papers was published in 1992 by Amsterdam University Press. See: hgb020.

During the first day the presentations focused on the political and technical aspects, specifically on the weapons innovation process and on efforts to control military R&D in the space, the biological and chemical context, with regard to arms embargoes and export controls and it ended with a dinner speech by Ambassador Jonathan Dean. During the second day three existing control regimes for dual use technologies, the missing arms control regimes for arms exports and national implementation of the existing regimes in the Federal Republic of Germany and problems of the international and national control regimes were reviewed. During the third day policy proposals for limiting vertical proliferation by constraining military R&D perspectives from North and South were debated that are reflected in a Mosbach Memorandum by the organisers based on the analyses.

apr045; Language: English; Areas: military research and development, exports, dual use technologies, disarmament and arms control; Region: global, Europe, Germany.