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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr036


Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.)

Verification and Arms Control
Implications for European Security
Part II: Selected Papers

[Verifikation und Rüstungskontrolle.
Implikationen für die Europäische Sicherheit
Teil II: Ausgewählte Papiere]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 36
1990, 214 pp. ISBN 3-926979-29-1
€ 20.00 - $ 24.00 - SF 40.00

This volume is organised in six parts: In part I, Serge Sur (France, then deputy director of UNIDIR in Geneva) discusses the legal aspects of verification. In part II, Betty Lall (New York) analyses the INF verification regime, Michail Kokoev (Moscow) discusses a proposal for verifying tactical nuclear weaons reduction and their eventual elimination, Martin Kalinowski (Darmstadt) reviews the nuclear weapons uses of Tritium and multilateral control measures, Helena Tuomi (Tampere) analyses new types of nuclear commerce and verification of non-proliferation, while Thomas B. Cochrane and Robert Norris (Washington) discussed approaches for verifying a Nuclear Test Ban with regard to the technical requirements and national security implications of lower thresholds.

In part III on verification and conventional arms control agreements, Henny J. van der Graaf (Amsterdam) focuses on the prospects and possible outcome of the conventional arms negotiations (CSBMs/ CFE), James Mackintosh (Ottawa) reviews the evolution of verification provisions in the MBFR, CCS BMDE and CFE treaties, Ole Haesken (Oslo) refers to verification efforts of naval forces, while Christian Drewniok (Hamburg) offers observations for the verification of conventional forces form air and from outer space, Leonie Dreschler-Fischer, Christian Drewniok and Harald Lange (Hamburg) present computer aided image interpretation as a tool for verification, and Michael Krepon (Washington) addresses open skies, production monitoring and the CFE negotiations. The missing link.

In part IV Nikita Smidovich (Foreign Ministry, Moscow) discusses several principles and procedures for the verification of a CW convention, while the chemist Jiri Matousek (Brno, CSFR) analyses the verification of the destruction of stockpiles and of production facilities under the projected chemical weapons convention. In part V Kurt Gottfried (physicist, Cornell Univ., USA) offers ideas for cooperative verification institutions and their political implications, while Bhupendra Jasani (Stockholm/London) reviews the prospects for a European verification agency. In part VI on verification and stability Czeslaw Mesjasz (Cracow) discusses problems of verification and perceptual distortions in game modelling of international conflicts, Jürgen Scheffran (Darmstadt) analyses the strategic impact of uncertainty and perceptions, while Andrei Piontkowsky and A. Skorokhodov (Moscow) interpret stability and a multilevel problem. The volume concludes with a selected bibliography of recent writings on verification and arms control.

apr036; Language: English; Areas: European security, verification, arms control; Region: Europe.