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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr035


Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.)

Verification and Arms Control -
Implications for European Security
Part I: Abstracts and Discussions

[Verifikation und Rüstungskontrolle.
Implikationen für die Europäische Sicherheit
Teil II: Abstracts und Diskussion]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 35
1990, 224 pp. ISBN 3-926979-28-3
€ 15.00- $ 18.00 - SF 30.00

On the eve of the dramatic political change in East Central Europe, from 8-10 December 1989, some 110 natural and social scientists, international lawyers, military officers, diplomats and industry representatives from 20 CSCE member countries met in the small medieval south German Mosbach to discuss the relationship between 'Verification' and 'Arms Control' and to analyse their implications for European security. The conference was made possible by a grant form the German Research Society (DFG) and by the Ministry of Science and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg. Given the rapid change in Europe during the turn, the papers were published already in February 1990 in two volumes that document: in Part I: Abstracts and Discussions and in Part II: Selected Statements. This first report offers a detailed account of all presentations, and in the appendix it documents the Conference programme, the list of participants, the press reaction, and parts of the verification provisions of the CFE draft treaties based on a document by VERTIC (London).

apr035; Language: English; Areas: European security, verification, arms control; Region: Europe.