HEXAGON Book Series
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1 Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr034


Hans Günter Brauch

Chemical Warfare and
Chemical Arms Control

Chemische Kriegführung und
Chemische Abrüstung

AFES-PRESS Report No. 34
1989, 62pp., ISBN 3-926979-26-7
€ 12.00 - SF 25.00 - $ 10.00

This report was written for a conference on 'Allies and Arms control' organised by the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt in December 1986. After a brief introduction it deals with chemical warfare issues as a challenge for domestic and alliance policy making processes with a special focus on the legislative battles and domestic disputes in the Reagan Administration (1981-1986) and on West German domestic politics. In chapter 3 it discusses two conflicting arms control approaches: The bargaining chip vs. the regional approach of the German-German talks on the non-governmental level. In the conclusions both short-term problem-solving and subsequent longer-term problems for Alliance and East-West relations are considered.

apr034; Language: English; Areas: chemical warfare, Arms Control; Region: United States, Germany.