HEXAGON Book Series
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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr012:


Gerd Neuwirth

Die Entwicklung der Vertrauens- und
Sicherheitsbildenden Maßnahmen
Vom Stockholmer zum Wiener Dokument (1986-1990)

[The development of Confidence and
Security Building Measures
From the Stockholm to the Vienna Document (1986-1990)]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 12
1992, 205pp., ISBN 3-926979-40-2
€ 25.00 - $ 35.00 - SF 50.00

Gerd Neuwirth offers a detailed account of the development of the concept of CBMs in the framework of the Helsinki Final Accord of 1975 and on the discussion at the second CSCE review conference in Madrid (1st generation CBMs), of the final document of the Conference on Confidence Building Measures and Disarmament in Stockholm (1986, with the 2nd generation CBMs) and a detailed review of the negotiations during the third CSCE review conference in Vienna (1986-1989) as well as on the negotiations for both on CSBMs and on troop reductions in Europe (CFE Treaty) that were concluded in November 1990 prior to the summit of the heads of states and governments of the 34 CSCE countries in November 1990 in Paris. The appendix includes 15 documents tabled during the negotiations between 1986 and 1990, a CSBM chronology and an extensive bibliography

apr012:; Language: German; Areas: confidence building measures, CSCE/OSCE; Region: Europe.