HEXAGON Book Series
Human and Environmental
Security and Peace (HESP

1 Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr008


Rolf Armbrust

Anti-U-Boot-Kriegführung undstrategische Stabilität

[Antisubmarine Warfare and Strategic Stability]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 8
1989, 137pp., ISBN 3-926979-05-4
€ 15.00 - $ 15.00- SF 30.00

This study was a submitted as a master thesis in political science at Stuttgart university in 1986. In chapter 1 the author focuses on stability as the key concept of security policy concepts in the United States. In chapter 2 the author develops the American nuclear strategy since 1945 until the mid 1980s. In chapter 3 anti-submarine warfare activities and its importance for different strategic concepts are being reviewed, while chapter 4 focuses on several components of American systems on anti-submarine warfare and developments on research and development and chapter 5 discusses the relationship between strategic anti-submarine warfare and stability.

apr008; Language: German; Areas: antisubmarine warfare, strategic stability; Region: United States, Soviet Union.