HEXAGON Book Series
Human and Environmental
Security and Peace (HESP

1 Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr005


Norbert Hannig

Verteidigen ohne zu bedrohen
Die DEWA - Konzeption als Ersatz der NATO-FOFA

[Defending without Threatening
The DEWA Concept as a Substitute for NATO-FOFA]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 5
1988, 59pp., ISBN 3-926979-03-8
€ 10.00 - SF 20.00 - $ 14.00

This study was written by a retired air force officer of the Bundeswehr (born in 1923) who had been an air force pilot (1943-1945) during World War II surviving 250 war missions against targets in Russia. This study emerged from earlier writings published in IDR 1/1979, pp. 27-34 and IDR, 11/1981, pp. 1439-1443 and from a book on: Deterrence by conventional weapons (in German, 1984). The study offers a response why 'flexible response' and the NATO-FOFA concept cannot solve the security dilemma of the European countries. Hannig argues that this is due to the mobile tactic on combat for the defence and he suggests instead a static linear border defence and refers to several weapon systems needed for the defence of NATO's land forces from the perspective prior to the end of the cold war.

apr005; Language: German; Areas: non-offensive defence, NATO ; Region: Germany, Soviet Union, United States.