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Book Series > Publisud > Pub001


Hartmut Elsenhans (Ed.):

A Balanced European Architecture. Enlargement of the European Union to Central Europe and the Mediterranean

Une Architecture Européenne Equilibrée. L'ouverture de l'Union Européenne vers L'Europe Centrale et la Méditerranée

[Eine ausgeglichene europäische Architektur.
EU Osterweiterung und das Mittelmeer]

(Paris: Publisud, 2000), 224 pp. € 25.61
ISBN: 2-86600-616-x, ISSN: 0985-4657

French (Hamid Bozarslan, Jean-François Daguzan, Jean Robert Henry, Rémy Leveau, Abdelkader Sid Ahmed) Polish (Grazyna Bernatowicz, Antoni Kaminski, Jan Kieniewicz, Krisztof Ners, Stanislav Parzimies) and German (Ernst-Otto Czempiel, Michael Dauderstädt, Hartmut Elsenhans) international relations specialists discuss possible synergies of EU enlargement towards Central and East Central European countries and for the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean. This cooperation could become a central element for maintaining a balanced European architecture that may be challenged by EU enlargement due to the increased importance of Germany. The contradictions, the requirements and the priorities to be observed with regard to these two options are analysed within the framework of the overall foreign policies of the three countries of the Weimar triangle.

Hartmut Elsenhans is professor of international relations at Leipzig university, he taught at the universities of Constance, Frankfurt, Berlin, Dakar, New Delhi and Montreal. He has published widely on conflicts of decolonisation, on North-South issues and on the strategies of development.

Pub001, Author/Editor: Elsenhans, Hartmut; Language: English/French: Areas: European security; Region: Europe, Poland, France, Germany, Mediterranean; Publisher: Publisud