HEXAGON Book Series
Human and Environmental
Security and Peace (HESP

1 Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr001


Hans Günter Brauch

Antitactical Missile Defense
Will the European Version of SDI
Undermine the ABM Treaty?

[Antitaktische Raktetenabwehr
Wird die europäische Version von SDI
den ABM-Vertrag gefährden?]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 1

1988, 84pp., ISBN 3-926979-01-1

€ 10.00 - SF 20.00 - $ 14.00

The report emerged from a long research paper that was prepared for the annual conference of the International Studies Association. After a brief introduction on the four levels of the debate on ballistic missile defence and on the three different reactions to SDI in West Germany, in chapter 2 West European (British,. French, German) perceptions and reactions to the Strategic Defense Initiative are reviewed, in chapter 3 different technical concepts for tactical antiballistic missiles (TABM) or antitactical missiles (ATM) and the technological and military dimensions of a Euro-version of SDI are reviewed, in chapter 4 the arms control context for ATM due to restrictions in the ABM treaty is being assessed, and in chapter 5 possible military implications of SDI and ATM and arms control considerations about the Geneva 'umbrella' talks on space, START and INF are being debated.

apr001; Language: English; Areas: missile defence, tactical antiballistic missiles, SDI; Region: Germany, Soviet Union, United States.